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Vintage Heaven



Since childhood I have loved certain things that have been 'recycled' by their previous owners. Mostly through choice but sometimes through necessity I have surrounded myself with these items. They have always had a greater appeal to me than things that are new and shiny. As a consequence I now have two large garages full of gorgeous and useful things.

The logical conclusion to this gathering habit was to open a shop.

So here we are in Vintage Heaven!




Apart from Saturday 12 til 6pm and Sunday 8.30am til 5pm, what other days do you open?
We are happy to open for large purchases most days of the week. We require at least one weeks notice and we will do our best to be here when you need us. However we cannot guarantee that will always be possible. 


Do you buy China?

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell. 

Where has all this wonderful collection come from?
Many years of collecting!


Do you ship?
If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. However we don't ship things ourselves. 


Do you give discounts?
The shop policy is: cash purchases over £30 have a discretionary 10per cent discount. Purchases over £1000 have a card discount of 5per cent. Again this is discretionary.


Do you hire items from the shop?
No we don't. Too much hassle! 


We are happy to open for large purchases most days of the week. We require at least one weeks notice and we will do our best to be here when you  need us. However we cannot guarantee that will always be possible.

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.
We are happy to open for large purchases most days of the week. We require at least one weeks notice and we will do our best to be here when you  need us. However we cannot guarantee that will always be possible.

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.

Many years of collecting!If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. 
However we don't ship things ourselves. The sh

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.

Many years of collecting!If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. 
However we don't ship things ourselves. 
The shop policy is: cash purchases over £30 have a discretionary 10per cent discount. Purchases over £1000 have a card discount of 5per cent. Again this is discretionary.
No we don't. Too much hassle! 

Many years of collecting!If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. 
However we don't ship things ourselves. 
The shop policy is: cash purchases over £30 have a discretionary 10per cent discount. Purchases over £1000 have a card discount of 5per cent. Again this is


We are happy to open for large purchases most days of the week. We require at least one weeks notice and we will do our best to be here when you  need us. However we cannot guarantee that will always be possible.

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.
We are happy to open for large purchases most days of the week. We require at least one weeks notice and we will do our best to be here when you  need us. However we cannot guarantee that will always be possible.

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.

Many years of collecting!If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. 
However we don't ship things ourselves. The sh

No we don't. As we have so much of our own we only sell.

Many years of collecting!If you have your own shipper, we will happily box your purchases up well for collection. 
However we don't ship things ourselves. 
The shop policy is: cash purchases over £30 have a discretionary 10per cent discount. Purchases over £1000 have a card discount of 5per cent. Again this is discretionary.
No we don't. Too much hassle! 



01277 215968




82 Columbia Rd, London E2 7QB

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